The Source Virtus System proudly wins the UK MOD tender to replace the former protection and load carry system of the UK infantry troops.

From the UK MOD Press release


In January 2015 SOURCE signed a multi-year contract with the UK MOD to supply integrated personal protection and load carriage systems to the British Military. The awarded contract is for a firm term of three years, and can be extended, by the UK MOD, until 2026.

Major General Paul Jaques, Director Land Equipment at MOD Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S), said: “DE&S is committed to supporting the Armed Forces by providing them with a high standard of equipment and this new personal protection and load carriage system meets that requirement. In challenging troop trials we found it performed exceptionally well and was a step change improvement on the in-service equipment. Key is the integrated nature of the system that enables the soldier to operate far more effectively.”

The Virtus System is a comprehensive system of integrated combat and protective gear developed by Source to cope with the challenges and needs of the modern infantry soldier in today’s battlefield.

MoD Video Announcement