Our Privacy Commitment

SOURCE is committed to protecting your privacy. The information you provide us ordering a product online is used to process orders and to assist us in providing you with a more personalized shopping experience. SourceOutdoor.com utilizes every available technology to ensure that your confidential information remains secure. SOURCE holds your email address in strictest confidence. We do not sell, give away, or otherwise distribute your address to any third party.

Collecting and Using Your Information

When you place an order, we’ll ask you for your name, email address, mailing address, and credit card number with expiration date. This information allows us to process and fulfill your order and to notify you of your order status. Occasionally, we may use your email address to deliver information regarding important functionality changes to our website, new services, and special offers that might be of interest to you.


If you place an order or if you open an account in our online-shop, we will set cookies to provide a smooth experience and to save your login information. If you log out of your account, the login cookies will be removed. We use cookies from partners such as Google and Facebook for marketing purposes. These cookies allow us to track anonymized user data and they allow us to display promotional material.

Thank you for your trust

This is the official SOURCE Tactical Gear online shop. We design, manufacture SOURCE products and distribute it around the world. Please get in touch with us if you have any further questions regarding your privacy and personal data.