Fully Integrated and Cross Compatible Scalable Soldier System
Throughout history, the infantry soldier has been the central pillar of the military. Despite the presence of sophisticated technologies in today’s armed conflicts, the infantry soldier remains the decisive factor that dominates the outcome of wars or military operations.
The performance of the infrantry soldier is heaviliy influenced by the gear used. For the development of the Source Virtus System, we have utilized an unprecedented concept: Viewing the “soldier as a system” enabled an integrated approach to reducing the cognitive, physiological and mechanical impact of equipment on the user. Creating a major breakthrough, we have successfully created the Soldier System, the parts of which are fully cross-compatible over several levels. Following the change of attitude in military thinking from “just in case” to “just enough”, the Soldier System enables the soldier to adapt his equipment to each mission by combining the relevant components as he sees fit.

The design of the Soldier System brings the infantry soldier to a new level of performance and protection and thereby improves his ability to successfully execute close combat missions. Two game-changing subsystems are our answer to the two major challenges when it comes to miliatry gear:
Reducing the Burden: Our Dynamic Weight Distribution DWD
The Dynamic Weight Distribution (DWD) system enables the soldier to transfer the weight of the load he is carrying between the shoulders and the hips, thereby reducing cause for back injury, improving performance, agility and comfort. While on the move, the soldier can control the weight distribution of the load dynamically without having to remove any gear. This improves comfort and prevents fatigue on long and wearing missions without limiting the soldier’s versatility. Find out more about our Dynamic Weight Distribution System.
Scalability per Threat and Mission: Our Scalable Tactical Vest STV
The Scalable Tactical Vest (STV) enables the soldier to adjust his protection level to the nature of the mission. The clever design allows him to quickly and easily scale up or down the vest from a concealed vest to a full-up tactical vest with neck and shoulder protection, according to the threat level and mission. The STV features a Vest Quick Release VQR mechanism, which permits the removal of the vest with one single-handed pull. Thanks to the smart design, the vest remains in one single unit, which facilitates its re-assembly. Thanks to the cross compability of the Soldier System, the various componenents of the load carry system, hydration system and tactical accessories can be combined according to the nature of each mission. Find out more about the Scalability of the Soldier System.